Manage your personnel-intensive tasks with OMS Retail.

Customized retail solutions for pet supplies

OMS Retail is your reliable partner for labor-intensive tasks in the pet supplies sector. With over 20 years of experience and a Europe-wide network, we offer innovative solutions for stocktaking, electronic price labeling (ESL) and in-store services.

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Specially developed and tailored to your needs

Our retail services for pet supplies at a glance

Precise full-service inventories for the pet trade

Customized inventory solutions - from full-service inventory to flexible support packages for the pet supplies trade.

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Installation and maintenance of digital price tags

Revolutionize your pricing in pet supplies retail with OMS Retail's ESL services and respond to market dynamics at lightning speed.

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Demand-oriented in-store services for pet retailers

Transform your pet shops or pet supplies stores into a high-turnover world of experience with the customized in-store services from OMS Retail.

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Legally compliant inventories with maximum accuracy

Precise inventories for the pet supplies trade

OMS Retail performs professional full-service inventory and supervisor services for pet supply stores. Our experienced teams accurately count every product - from dry food to live animals. Using state-of-the-art scanning technology, we ensure efficient, accurate inventories with minimal business disruption. Our route concept enables us to serve even larger store networks in a timely manner. Rely on OMS Retail for reliable accounting data and informed business decisions.

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Respond to market changes and consumer behavior in real time

ESL service: Digitize your price labeling

OMS Retail supports you in the implementation and maintenance of electronic price labeling systems (ESL) in your pet supplies store. As a manufacturer-independent provider, we will find the perfect solution for your needs. Our experienced team plans, installs and integrates ESL systems efficiently and smoothly. Benefit from dynamic pricing, optimized inventory management and reduced workload. With OMS Retail, you can digitize your pet supplies retail business in a sustainable and future-oriented way.

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Professional sales area optimization for maximum sales

Instore service: Optimal product presentation in the pet supplies trade

OMS Retail optimizes your sales area in the pet supplies sector. Our experts implement visual merchandising concepts, carry out efficient seasonal changeovers and realize shelf conversions with minimal disruption. We install innovative shelving systems and implement advanced shelf monitoring technologies. Our proven route concept enables fast, cost-effective implementation in numerous stores. Increase your competitiveness and improve your customers' shopping experience with OMS Retail.

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6 convincing reasons for OMS Retail

This is why the pet supplies trade relies on our retail services:

  • Retail expertise: Many years of experience and experienced permanent staff with industry-specific know-how
  • Cross-Services: Bundling of various services in one specialist store for maximum efficiency and cost savings.
  • Flexible route concept for quick reactions to seasonal fluctuations.
  • 24/7 support: Available at any time for your concerns - with direct contact persons on site.
  • Highly dynamic: Flexible personnel deployment planning enables rapid response to changes and challenges.
  • Full service: From planning and implementation to disposal and logistics - everything from a single source.

Strengthen your position in the pet trade with OMS Retail!

Let's work together to optimize your processes, improve your customer experience and increase your sales.

Contact us today for a customized consultation and find out how we can overcome the specific challenges you face.

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